
27 2018

Walk With Israel

9:00AM - 1:00PM  

Contact Jessica Taylor
416-635-2883 x 5362

On Sunday, May 27th 2018, UJA's Walk With Israel will be celebrating Israel's 70th birthday, transforming the streets of downtown Toronto into a sea of blue and white.

We would love for you to join us and Walk, Run, or Volunteer & help our community celebrate Israel's 70th!

If you're up to volunteer, U40, along with our friends at Birthright Israel, The House, Hillel, AEPi, Delta Pi and others, will be hosting REST STOP 5!

To register, CLICK HERE

Don’t forget to fundraise too! Money raised through UJA’s Walk with Israel is channeled to Bat Yam, Eliat, and Sderot to combat poverty, enrich education, improve healthcare access, and strengthen community centres. Annnnnd... you're eligible for all the great fundraising rewards! 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Jessica Taylor or 416-635-2883 x5362