
26 2024

Jews and Israel 2024: A Survey of Canadian Attitudes and Jewish Perceptions

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Holy Blossom Temple
Register through https://holyblossom.org/event/jews-and-israel-2024-a-survey-of-canadian-attitudes-and-jewish-perceptions/ Holy Blossom Temple
1950 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M5P 3K9
4167893291 ssibony@holyblossom.org

Contact Sharoni Sibony
(416) 789-3291

ONLINE ONLY! Register to access the Zoom link.

Four months after the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, sociologist Robert Brym conducted a first-of-its-kind survey. He polled more than 2,800 Canadians to find out what they think about Jews and Israel and how Jewish Canadians are reacting to the way they are being treated. Some of his findings confirm expectations, others contain surprises, and still others are shocking. This evening, Professor Brym will summarize the results of his study and assess their implications for Jewish life in Canada.

Robert Brym is SD Clark Professor of Sociology Emeritus and an Associate of the Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto. The author of nearly 200 scholarly works, he is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and has received numerous awards for his scholarship and teaching, including the London School of Economics’ British Journal of Sociology Prize and the University of Toronto’s Northrop Frye Award.

Sponsor: Holy Blossom Temple

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