
10 2023

Stronger Together Presents: The Truth About IHRA With Rabbi Corey Margolese

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Virtual Event: On Zoom

Contact Corey Margolese
To register for this free virtual event, go to: https://bit.ly/StrongerTogetherandIHRA

This session, which is a follow up to the Stronger Together to #EndJewHatred event, with Rabbi Corey Margolese of JTeach.ca will provide participants with factual information to help them to counter baseless arguments against the use of IHRA by individuals seeking impunity in the promotion of Jew hatred. We will also examine methods for encouraging the implementation of IHRA in our educational institutions.

Sponsor: JTeach.ca, CAEF, #ENDJEWHATRED, StandWithUs Canada, Allied Voices for Israel, CIJR and The Lawfare Project.

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