
12 2024

Temple Sinai - Why I’m a Zionist with Rabbi Englander and Cantor Osborne

3:00PM - 4:00PM  

Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto 210 Wilson Avenue
Toronto, ON M5M 3B1
416.487.4161 programs@templesinai.net

Contact Temple Office

Temple Sinai Yom Kippur Day - Sing, Pray, Learn: Why I’m a Zionist with Rabbi Englander and Cantor Osborne
Saturday, October 12 from 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm

A High Holy Day experience filled with music, prayer and study that will explore Zionism’s diverse meanings in contemporary Jewish life. Especially fitting for our younger members (ages 13 and up) and the adult Jewish role models in their family.

Register https://rebrand.ly/tsct-spl5785

Sponsor: Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto

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