
11 2024


12 2024

Tikkun Leyl Shavuot with a Keynote with Anthony Housefather, MP

8:00PM - 12:30AM  

Beth Tzedec Congregation 1700 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M5P 3K3
416-781-3511 info@beth-tzedec.org

Contact Synagogue Office

Va'ani Tefilati: I Am a Prayer to You

The evening of Shavuot is traditionally spent learning until late into the night. Join us for a keynote presentation by Anthony Housefather, MP on "How We Tackle Antisemitism" followed by our Mincha and Festival Ma'ariv Services and learning opportunities offered throughout the evening with our Spiritual Leadership ... and with cheesecake breaks throughout the night!

Everyone is welcome. There is no charge but pre-registration is appreciated. To register, visit https://bethtzedectoronto.shulcloud.com/form/tikkun-leyl-shavuot-2024


Keynote Address: 8:00 p.m.
Anthony Housefather, MP — Keynote: How We Tackle Antisemitism

8:45 p.m. — Mincha and Festival Ma'ariv Services

Breakout Sessions Part 1 - 9:15 p.m.
Antisemitism on the College Campus with Marta Feldman
Prayer: The Results of Beth Tzedec's Prayer Study with Rabbi Steven Wernick and Rabbi Lara Rodin

Breakout Sessions Part 2 - 10:15 p.m.
Exploring the Prayer for the IDF with Daniel Silverman
Teaching the Prayer for Israel with Cantor Sidney Ezer

Breakout Sessions Part 3 - 11:15 p.m.
Love, Love, Love: An Antidote to Antisemitism with Rabbi Fryer Bodzin

Midnight Torah Reading: 12:00 midnight

Sponsor: Beth Tzedec Congregation

This calendar is provided as a public information service. UJA Federation does not endorse the content of non-UJA events listed in this calendar.

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