
22 2023

Yeshivat Or Chaim and Ulpanat Orot Open Houses

9:00AM - 7:00PM  

Gabriella Green 159 Almore Ave
Toronto, ON M3H3E9
4166306772 ggreen@bastoronto.org

Contact Gabriella Green

Bnei Akiva schools will be hosting their open houses for incoming grade 9 students. The Ulpanat Orot open house will be in the morning, 9am-12pm) at 45 Canyon Ave. The Yeshivat Or Chaim open house will take place in the afternoon (1-4pm) at 159 Almore Ave.

This calendar is provided as a public information service. UJA Federation does not endorse the content of non-UJA events listed in this calendar.

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