Gap Year Blog

Arevim Masa Year of Service - Ori

"Being on the Arevim Masa Year of Service program was truly a unique experience. From Covid to war, myself and my flat mates, had no option but to be there for each other. If there is something I learned about this year, it is the importance of togetherness. Volunteering was an experience in…

Arevim Masa Year of Service - Abby

"This year has been such an incredible experience. Having a small group on the program might have been the best part. These 8 people from around North America who are strangers to you, end up becoming some of your best friends. This year I got the chance to not only go around experiencing Is…

A Year of Service

Looking to make a change, experience a new culture, and give back to the community? The Year of Service program gives you all that and more! Experience personal growth, hands on responsibilities, and Israeli culture during a year abroad in Israel!

Project TEN - The Year that Changed My Life

By Gal Dekel

I spent five amazing adventurous months in Israel’s calming forests in the north. I’m from Canada, and when I was 18 I took part in the Kibbutz Harduf program near Haifa. We had volunteers from all over the world: Ukraine, Germany, France, England, America, and me of course…

Mechina Telem Jaffa - My Year of Growth in Israeli Mechina

By Leigh Gabriely

At the Mechina, I was as free as I’ll probably ever be. Free to explore ideas that previously seemed time-wasting, free to study what I deemed important rather than giving in to society’s external pressures, free to embrace failure and perceive it is a progressive lear…