
17 2017

Going to Shul with LGBTQ Pride 2017: Shir Libeynu!

7:15PM - 10:00PM  

Congregation Shir Libeynu MNJCC
750 Spadina Ave, (at Bloor St. W.), 3rd floor
Toronto, ON M5S 2J2
4164655488 shirlibeynu@yahoo.ca


We will celebrate at a maariv (evening) service and end with a Havdallah (end of Shabbat) ceremony. Afterwards, please join us for a desserts reception down the hall in Room 318, where we can all shmooze and socialize together. Bring your friends, your bubbes and zaidyes, and all the rest of your mishpoocha!

This year, our service will include a talk by and discussion with a young student and member of her Jewish day school’s gay/straight alliance, presenting the situation there for LGBTQ students.

This is a free event. All welcome, including straight allies!


Sponsor: Congregation Shir Libeynu

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