
2 2018

The Song Shul's "Many Lives, One People"

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Barbara Frum Public Library 20 Covington Rd, 3rd floor auditorium
Toronto, ON

Contact Aliza Spiro

Many Lives, One People
This groundbreaking program from The Song Shul highlights the colourful and varied backgrounds of the Jewish people from around the globe. First, we feature an immigrant sharing stories of what it was like to grow up Jewish in another part of the world. Hear about home rituals, community events, political challenges, anti-semitism and more.
Then, the Canadian-born child or grandchild of the speaker shares stories of growing up here in Canada as the offspring of a foreigner. Hear how the traditions of the "old country" affect the childhood of a Torontonian.
Free Admission





Sponsor: The Song Shul

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