Shalom Hartman Institute of North America

475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1450
New York, NY 10115

P: 212-268-0300

The Shalom Hartman Institute is a leading center of Jewish thought and education, serving Israel and North America. Our mission is to strengthen Jewish peoplehood, identity, and pluralism; to enhance the Jewish and democratic character of Israel; and to ensure that Judaism is a compelling force for good in the 21st century.

Our work focuses on:

  • Judaism and Modernity: Developing compelling Jewish ideas capable of competing in the modern marketplace of identities and thought
  • Jewish and Democratic Israel: Ensuring Israel’s foundations as the democratic homeland of the Jewish people, committed to equal rights and religious freedom for all
  • Jewish Peoplehood: Forming a strong mutual commitment between world Jewry and Israelis as equal partners in the future of Jewish life
  • Jewish Ethics and the Public Sphere: Engaging with national civic life by bringing Jewish ethical teachings to bear on contemporary social challenges.

The Institute comprises five independent but interrelated centers:

  • The Kogod Research Center for Contemporary Jewish Thought, our think tank, generates ideas and research on contemporary issues of central importance to Jewish life in Israel and around the world.
  • The David Hartman Center for Intellectual Excellence cultivates the next generation of thought leaders for the Jewish community.
  • The Center for Israeli-Jewish Identity, houses an array of programs that bring about a transformation in the secular and religious Israeli educational system.
  • The Shalom Hartman Institute of North America guides, oversees, and implements Hartman research, educational programming, and curricula to the North American Jewish community.
  • Two Hartman Institute model high schools in Jerusalem, the Midrashiya High School for Girls and the Charles E. Smith High School for Boys

This directory of Jewish organizations reflects only non commercial enterprises.
For a full list of those organizations that are UJA Federation beneficiaries please click here.