A Year of Growth and Exploration in Israel

University was up next after graduating high school—but Canadian teen Romy was feeling unsure about her next move. Then she heard from a friend about the unique program offered by Kol Ami, a gap year leadership academy in Israel. 

From there began an unforgettable experience that she calls “the best decision I ever made.”

Romy and her group travelled across Israel, enjoyed lectures and guest speakers, and met diverse communities. She connected with peers from Israel and around the world, creating a strong and lasting bond. “The program exposes you to life as part of a group dynamic, where mutual responsibility, respect, and compassion are key,” she explained.

“I had the time to learn about Israel, myself, and my goals, which helped me to gain confidence,” Romy concluded. It is these experiences, skills, and growth that she is taking with her on the next steps in her journey.

Curious about the possibilities of an Israel Gap Year? Contact Jenna at jpotash@ujafed.org.


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