“What are your thoughts, wishes and aspirations for the future of the Jewish community of Toronto?”


Brad Cohen: First, thank G-d we live in a community as strong as we do.  I have been to various rallies, events such as the Shabbat Project, enjoyed PJ Library, the Walk for Israel, and many such offerings that this city has to offer.  It is a wonderful Diaspora city, rich with Jewish history and culture.  I see, for the most part, Jewish people of various observance levels, from a wide range of backgrounds, come together and, for the most part, get along.  We support one another in ways that I have not seen in too many other cities.  Still, I am afraid.  I am afraid that with [my perception of] reduced observance levels, increased intermarriage, and lack of Jewish education, the number of us that will still identify ourselves as Jews will decrease within the next few generations.  I am afraid that Anti-Semitism is again on the rise, and those that still do identify as Jewish will stop showing it outwardly.


"I hope that we will start to identify more strongly as Jews, both internally and externally."


And yet, I hope.  I hope that even with the concerns that I have, we will turn ourselves around.  I hope that we will start to identify more strongly as Jews, both internally and externally.  I hope that we find a way that our common voice, a voice of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), and a voice of Bnei Brit (children of the Covenant) will be one voice; and that that voice will be too strong, and ring with too much truth, to be silenced.  I hope for increased Jewish Day School attendance, and reduced prices so that it is not oppressive to send children there.  I hope for more Torah observance; but I also hope for continued, or even increased, respect amongst all Jews, whatever their level of observance.  I hope that Toronto continues to thrive and grow, as a model Diaspora community.


Brad Cohen
Private School Parent

UJA Federation of Greater Toronto is currently undergoing a strategic planning process. By taking a few minutes of your time you will have the opportunity to express your opinion about where you think UJA’s funding priorities should lie and what the core issues are that we need to be focusing upon over the coming years. Most importantly you will be participating in a community wide effort to work together to take responsibility for shaping our collective future. Visit the survey page.

Brad Cohen
Private School Parent

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