Eliezer Ayalon z”l

“For survivors, our duty is clear: We must create a living history of what occurred, to bear witness to the atrocities that befell those who were denied the chance to speak for themselves. We must continue to resist and protest injustice in all forms. But we also have the privilege and responsibility to create new generations of loving and kind children who will carry the torch to create a world of freedom and justice for all.”


Eliezer Ayalon was born in Radom, Poland in 1928 and his family was interned in the Radom Ghetto in 1942. His mother, father, sister and two brothers were later murdered in Treblinka. Eliezer spent three years in Plaszow, Mauthausen and Melk. He was liberated on May 6, 1945 and made Aliyah to Israel where he fought in the 1948 War of Independence. He met Elie Wiesel and was inspired to publish his memoir in 1991 titled “a cup of honey” remembering how his beloved Mother told him as she accompanied him to the Radom ghetto gates with a cup of honey “if there is anyone in the family with a chance to stay alive it is you. Azoy is Beshert. May you have a sweet life.” Eliezer passed away on May 29, 2012 in Jerusalem. He is survived by his wife, two children, five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

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