“The phrase ‘Never Again’ epitomizes Bob’s view of the Holocaust. Bob felt strongly that the youth of today should know as much as possible, first hand, about the Holocaust. He was able to share with many students’ what life was like during the war and in the concentration camps.”

Robert Weiss was born in Debrecen, Hungary, on April 28, 1927. In 1944, when the Nazis occupied Hungary, they moved his family to the ghetto and then to Auschwitz-Birkenau where his mother and sister perished. Robert and his father were sent to Schlossenburg. During the liberation, his father was killed by the Nazis. In 1946 Robert left Hungary for Vienna where he met his wife Lola, also a Holocaust Survivor. Shortly thereafter they went to Germany to the Swabishall Displaced Person Camp. There Robert registered as a lumberjack and arrived in Canada in November 1947, worked in Nippigon until March 1948 then moved to Toronto where he and Lola married. They were blessed with two sons, three grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Robert passed away on February 21, 1996.

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