New Recipes


We had a very hard time choosing from amongst the multitude of recipes submitted for the Bathurst Street Kitchen cookbook and some of our cooks and chefs responded to our request for up to 5 recipes and sent us several outstanding selections. While we would have loved to include all of them, we ultimately decided that, as a community cookbook, it was important to reflect the wide variety of community members who submitted, rather than choose 5 recipes from one and none from another. That’s why there might be multiple recipes for kugel or coffee cake or gefilte fish.


However, we still have all of those amazing recipes that were entered and we feel like it is of benefit to all to share them and the wonderful stories that came with many of them. We’ll post recipes regularly here, so please check back for new ones. Maybe one day, all of these will be included in a new edition of the Bathurst Street Kitchen cookbook! ENJOY!